Specialist dental treatments

Keeping you mouth happy and healthy

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Specialist Dentistry

At Gartside Street Dental Lounge our team offer a couple of specialist dental procedures - Endodontics and Periodontics, to become a specialist, the dentist will have carried out several years of additional study. Having all this expertise under one roof means we are able to provide all our patients with the best possible care.


Root canal treatment is necessary when the pulp inside your teeth becomes infected or inflamed. This can be caused by dental decay, damage to the tooth such as a crack or chip, repeated dental procedures on the tooth, or if the tooth has been accidentally injured (even if it is not showing any external signs of injury).

The infection or inflammation can cause dull or sharp tooth ache, and can lead to a dental abscess, which can be extremely painful. Not so long ago, this would have meant having your tooth extracted, and then either learning to cope with an unsightly gap, or having to pay for it to be replaced with a bridge or denture.  But now we can usually save your tooth, by removing the pulp, making sure that we get rid of any bacteria, and carefully filling the hole that is left.  The tooth is usually restored to its full strength and functionality with a crown.

The tooth roots are tiny, and are not naturally straight, so the procedure is very detailed and fiddly, and often takes a while to complete. That is why it is best carried out by a professional with specialist equipment and skills.  It is also why the treatment is more expensive than many others – although usually it is still cheaper than replacing a lost tooth



Periodontitis (also known as Gum Disease) is a serious disease that, according to the British Society of Periodontology, affects around 80% of the population. Apart from the obvious pain and distress it can cause to patients, it is also increasingly being linked to systemic conditions including heart disease, premature birth and diabetes.

Plaque is the primary cause of gum disease. However, other factors can contribute to periodontal disease, such as hormonal changes, illness, medication, poor oral hygiene and even family history of dental disease.

To prevent and treat gum disease, our highly trained specialists recommend that you make sure you remove all the plaque from your teeth every day. This is done by brushing and cleaning in between the teeth with ‘interdental’ brushes or floss, as well as by regularly visiting your dentist and hygienist.

If you are wondering how your dentist will diagnose the gum disease, then you should know that, during a dental exam, your dentist will notice if the gum is bleeding or swelling, if the teeth are moving and are more sensitive than expected and if the bone surrounding your teeth starts to breakdown.

The goals of gum disease treatment are to promote reattachment of healthy gums to teeth, reduce swelling, the depth of pockets, and the risk of infection and to stop disease progression. Treatment options depend on the stage of disease, how you may have responded to earlier treatments, and your overall health.

At Gartside Dental, our highly trained professionals will detect any problems from your first appointment, and they will make sure to explain everything to you and answer any concerns you might have. Your dentist will always recommend the best treatment and will always help you, so we know that, when you leave, you are more confident and smiling brighter than ever!