Live life smiling

Advanced orthodontics at Gartside Dental Lounge

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Teeth Straightening - Orthodontics

Teeth straightening is one of the most common cosmetic dental treatments we are asked about. Not only can misaligned teeth cause physical damage and discomfort but they can also wear down teeth and create joint problems. Nobody wants to feel self-conscious about their teeth, at Gartside Street Dental Lounge we believe everybody deserves a smile they can be proud of.

We provide a wide range of teeth straightening treatments, whether you prefer traditional wire braces or would prefer to opt for clear plastic aligners which allow you to carry on with your life with minimal disruption, the choice is yours.


One of the incredible modern dental techniques that we use here at Gartside Street Dental Lounge is Invisalign. A modern and less visible way to correct crowding and teeth alignment, this system provides a unique, modern, innovative and predicated way to straighten your teeth.

When you wear Invisalign, you wear clear aligners instead of wire braces. They are very easy to use and very effective at getting the results you want. Unlike metal and ceramic fixed braces, the Invisalign treatment is almost completely invisible and that’s why millions of people have now transformed their lives with removable, near-invisible aligners.

The Invisalign treatment requires changing the aligners every two weeks, gradually nudging your teeth into position until you have the perfect results you are looking for.

At Gartside Street Dental Lounge we have the latest iTero scanner which is one of the innovative technologies we use to make your life easier and your treatments more comfortable.



At Gartside Street Dental Lounge, we put our patients at the heart of everything we are doing, and we want to make sure that, after every session, you leave happier! Combing years of training and research with our highly trained professionals and our top of the range technology, we will make any treatment as straightforward, simple and painless as possible!

Teeth straightening is one of the most common dental treatments available and we know that this is a crucial cosmetic treatment that can boost your self-esteem! Like most of our treatments, we will start with a digital smile map of your teeth using photos, X-rays and 3D software. Only then we will understand where the issues are, and which is the best approach to align the teeth correctly. You will be able to see a representation of the final result, so you will know exactly what you can expect!

There are different types of braces that can help you achieve the dream smile; the traditional fixed braces, which are metal studs on your teeth connected by wires or, if you prefer something a bit more unnoticeable, you can choose invisible braces, or Invisalign, which is a plastic shield that gently pushes your teeth in position.

Fixed Braces

You will certainly be familiar with fixed braces, which are the traditional braces, straightening your teeth by fastening metal or ceramic studs to the teeth and connecting them with wires.

Our dental team is experienced at fitting and maintaining fixed brace solutions, using them to gently guide your teeth into the desired, straightened position. The process begins with X-Rays, photographs and plaster moulds to analyze the current position of your teeth and letting us assess what needs to be done. Once we have deciced on the most suitable treatment for you, your choice of braces will be fitted. The process is not painful, although there might be some tenderness in the teeth a couple of days after the brace has been tightened. Tens of thousands of people live with braces every single day and it is a core part of modern dental treatment.

Maintaining the brace is important, as food and bacteria can easily build up around the brackets and behind the wires. But preventing further problems is as simple as brushing diligently twice a day, flossing regularly and using mouthwash wherever possible. It is also important to avoid certain foods – hard sweets, toffees and apples can damage the structure of the brackets and the wires which can delay the treatment. Fizzy drinks can also weaken the brace, so be sensible in terms of what you eat and drink. We will work closely with you and will help with advice and any issues you might have during the whole treatment!



Orthodontic treatment usually works very well, but you need to stick with it for it to be completely successful. Once your treatment has been completed you will need to wear a retainer for some time to stop your teeth moving back to the position they were in before treatment. 

There are many different types of retainers, which can be either removable or fixed onto the teeth we will guide you in the best direction according to your needs and requirements!

We will be with you every step of the treatment, no matter which one you will choose. You will have your dream smile in no time!


Lingual Braces

Incognito is a type of invisible brace system, which is 100% customised for the individual. The incognito braces sit behind the teeth, making them completely hidden from view. The braces are made from top-of-the-line technology and are made to fit the individual shape of your teeth. Incognito braces provide extremely effective results without being detectable, making it a great alternative to other orthodontic treatments.

Some of the benefits of having Incognito Braces:

  • They are custom made: the braces used for Incognito treatment are completely customized for the individual, allowing for the most effective results possible.

  • Fast: noticeable results can be seen in a very quick time, which means a lot less check-ups during treatment.

  • They are comfortable: the materials used in Incognito means that patients with nickel allergies will not suffer. The braces do not cause any damage to the surface of your teeth, with initial difficulties with speech being the only discomfort.

The materials and adhesives we use will not damage your teeth and are suitable for all our patients who might have allergies. There is no need to feel self-conscious or to worry about your appearance, as they are completely undetectable!


iTero Scanner

The iTero Scanner is revolutionary in 3D digital dentistry, replacing the traditional dental impressions with highly accurate images dedicated to visualizing how your teeth will look at the end of your Invisalign Treatment. With the modern built-in Invisalign Outcome Simulator, you will be able to see exact before and after images and you will know what to expect from your treatment. Once you are happy with the suggested treatment and the digital outcome, only then will we create your aligners.

While each case is unique, depending on the treatment needed, Invisalign usually takes approximately one year for adults. For teens, the length of treatment is comparable to that of traditional braces. For fastest results, your dentist will recommend you to wear your aligners 20 to 22 hours a day. As you wear each set of aligners, your teeth gently and gradually shift into place. Once you have achieved the beautiful smile you desire, we may recommend retainers to keep your teeth looking amazing!